
What makes Frenchay BIRU a special place for rehabilitation?

What makes Frenchay Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre (BIRU) a special place for rehabilitation?  Our Medical Director and Hospital Director talk about what is special about the team at BIRU.

Watch Alastair’s story about his life at Moorpark

Alastair is one of our residents at Moorpark Place where we provide residential care and support for day-to-day living for men and women on the autistic spectrum.  This is his story about why he enjoys living at Moorpark.

Is recovery post brain injury possible against all the odds?

Meet Lee.  Lee had a road traffic accident in 2011 and spent time at Frenchay Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre (BIRU) for his rehabilitation.  The BIRU team and Lee and his family talk about the amazing recovery he made.  Lee is now working and getting on with his life.