Edinburgh rated very good.
Edinburgh rated as very good
September 2015. Our Edinburgh hospital that provides mental health services for young people has been rated as very good for its quality of care and support for patients, following an inspection by Healthcare Improvement Scotland.
The hospital was rated very good or good for all five quality themes, after the two day unannounced inspection in July.
The inspectors rated it very good for quality of care and support, quality of information, quality of staffing and of management leadership. They also rated the quality of the environment as good.
Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s inspectors said that the way the hospital consulted and involved patients in developing all aspects of the service was excellent. The young people are even involved in the recruitment process by escorting candidates on a tour of the building and answering any questions, then providing feedback to hospital managers. When the hospital’s senior management team take decisions on recruitment they consider the views of the young people about candidates, reflecting the importance of the relationship between this patient group and the staff who will work with them.
Des Quinn, Hospital Director, said: “I am proud of our consultants and the other members of the multi-disciplinary team and I am grateful for the way they work together to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients and for the authorities who commission our services”
The Huntercombe Hospital Edinburgh provides treatment programmes for children and adolescents aged 11-18 years with a range of mental health conditions and eating disorders The service works in partnership with the NHS in Scotland and England. Treatment is funded by the NHS.