Aoife tells us about the Huntercombe Nurse Leadership Programme that she participated in from 2015 to 2016.
Nurse Leadership and Cedar House
Aoife Walsh, charge nurse at Cedar House, is responsible for a male forensic ward and Step Down Service. Aoife has been at Cedar for 2 ½ years, and worked previously at the hospital from 2010. Aoife tells us about the Huntercombe Nurse Leadership Programme that she participated in from 2015 to 2016. “Two of my colleagues had done the programme the year before and had been very complimentary about it, so I applied the following year. I had a telephone interview with our Lead Nurse, who asked about why I was interested in the course, what benefits could I envisage from participating and why I should be considered. The Nurse Leadership Programme started with a week long residential course at Warwick University, attended by staff members from all over the company and from roles ranging from staff nurse, to charge nurses, to interim hospital managers. I really valued that time when we were able to meet up because we could share ideas and problems and clinical issues. I always came away feeling
very positive and it was a fantastic forum to network and
share information and ideas.”